The girl who grew up in the give-me-that- old-time-religion, Pentecostal, holiness tradition, wasn’t even supposed to be in a therapy session, ‘cause we don’t really do that sort of thing, ya know? We usually just pray.
Read MoreWhether you’ve dealt with your issues 5 years or 2 years ago, it can still come up and cause problems for you now. Always be open to staying true to your new practices, be open to revisiting an issue and learning new ways to be. Growth should be never ending.
Read MoreYou’re the life of the party, but you still feel alone. You’re the successful friend; the one everyone considers stable; the one who has her life together, so you can’t show signs of weakness. So instead you try to ignore it. If you’re reading this and can relate to it, you may have a case of what I call faking normal.
Read MoreThere are so many things that are out of our control especially during pregnancy. This means that for Black women, the risks for pregnancy start at an earlier age than many clinicians — and women— realize, and the effects on their bodies may be much greater than for White women.
Read Morewhy is no one talking about the post-graduation struggles that young adults are facing? Why do we rarely talk about the depression and anxiety that follows when you suddenly become unsure of the next step? And why is it that as young adults we are told to have it all together after graduation?
Read MoreWe as Black Women stand in the gap for everyone. But we often tend to neglect the most important person of all--ourselves.
Read MoreWhile recognizing the harmful behavior of a loved one, it is important to realize we play a role in every relationship we have. It is our responsibility to hold ourselves accountable, in the midst of being in a toxic relationship with a loved one, and take action to protect ourselves.
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